April 11, 2014 @ 1:31 PM


Relaying what we have discussed to Romans 27-28. 

The context has not changed and the male and the female counterparts being spoken of here are still within each person.  The word “men” here is the Greek word “arren” meaning male.  The Greek word “aner” is used more frequently when talking about a physical human man.  This verse is talking about a “male” characteristic, not a human man.  This pushes us to look deeper within the words to discover what the meaning truly is representing.  It is something non-carnal and not-physical, but spiritual.  Romans 27 goes on to say the male counterpart [as the female counterpart in previous verse] in error leaves what it is born to perform, being working with the female counterpart and attending to it, and rather becomes stuck interacting without the feminine input.  When the woman and male internal counterparts do not interact within us the result is an error. Within us the male counterpart (masculine) serves a purpose as does the female counterpart (feminine). When they do not work together, but separately, it warns that we will do the things spoken of in verse 28. That is we do not retain God in our thoughts and do not remember how he works through our mind and into our lives.  When we are out of sync within ourselves, being our male and female are not together, we do things that are not convenient, or befitting for us.  In other words, we are not satisfied, content, and happy in our mind and situations.  We are all born with a purpose, but at any time can be guilty of all the things listed in verse 29-31.

Can we acknowledge our two counterparts?

Look at Col 1:27: “…Christ IN you, the hope of glory. Is Christ the “male” counterpart we need to seek?

Can we look deeper within these verses and recognize that the results listed in verses 29-31 are NOT to be directed at homosexuals as some may interpret this Chapter? 

Can we recognize these verses are about our internal thoughts and behaviors and we need to see how they apply to ourselves and not be pointed at someone else? 

And can we recognize that these words are spiritual and not carnal or literal?